
We’ve got news on the STEM front! The Biden-Harris administration introduced a new STEMM initiative (science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine) during the Summit on STEMM Equity and Excellence on December 12th. This initiative features five steps to improve access to STEMM across the US. They plan to dedicate $1.2 billion to enhance STEMM equity courtesy of the government, non-profit organizations, and industry leaders.

The five aforementioned items in the initiative include:

  • Improving the environment for STEMM teachers and remedying the STEMM teacher shortage by recruiting/retaining more educators
  • Bridge the gap in STEMM by endeavoring to support students, communities, and researchers that were previously barred access to STEMM resources
  • Provide lifelong support to STEMM students, workers, teachers, and communities so they can participate and contribute to science, tech, engineering, math, and medicine
  • Eradicate discrimination, bigotry, harassment, etc., in classrooms, labs, and workplaces
  • Promote accountability across all fields and workspaces in the STEMM community

Arati Prabhakar, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, remarked on the “missing millions.” “People talk about those [people] as the missing millions, the people who have these enormous contributions to make but who can’t yet find pathways into STEMM jobs,” she said.

It’s imperative we remove systemic barriers preventing everyone from pursuing STEM (or STEMM or STEAM) careers. We hope this new initiative will expand the reach of STEM and bring innovative minds and brilliant future leaders into the fold. By making it easier for young people to access invaluable STEM resources, we’re unblocking pathways that lead to necessary advancements and inventions made by folks who would typically not have a way into the tech and science fields.

At Dottie Rose Foundation, we hope to see more of these initiatives that level the playing field. We’ll continue to do our part by teaching and encouraging our girls to reach for the STEM stars.