

The full stack experience is both front and back-end development for a web application. During this year long program our girls will learn and understand how to create the front of a web application (user interface) and back end (data structure) of an application. Our girls will begin their full stack journey with a coding fundamentals course, move to JavaScript & React and complete their work by connecting the dots with Python programming. The girls will learn to apply resources for any programming subject or language, work with company employees to grow their business vernacular and deepen their industry knowledge.


The full stack experience is both front and back-end development for a web application. During this year long program our girls will learn and understand how to create the front of a web application (user interface) and back end (data structure) of an application. Our girls will begin their full stack journey with a coding fundamentals course, move to JavaScript & React and complete their work by connecting the dots with Python programming. The girls will learn to apply resources for any programming subject or language, work with company employees to grow their business vernacular and deepen their industry knowledge.


collaboration with

Dottie Rose Foundation, in collaboration with SmartGirls HQ, hosts a 24-week theme-based learning experience for 5th grade girls designed to inspire STEAM interest and build capability that enables persistence and success on STEAM career paths. After our first successful year-long program designed to catalyze STEM career interest, we are excited to see expansion in this programming to additional schools!  Our goal to build the confidence and competencies that will lead to success on STEM career paths are available to ALL 5th grade girls in the schools where our programs run.  Adding our support and content into the school day enhances teacher offerings, supports the classroom content and reduces barriers that otherwise come with programming offered outside of school.  


Binary Bling parties offer a fun and easy way for girls to learn the core language of computers while creating their own binary bracelet bling. With multi-modal instructions, all materials provided, and teacher facilitation it is perfect for exploration in various settings.