
What is a Girl Mind?

You have a Girl Mind! What makes a Girl Mind so special is the value, innovation and passion that makes you spectacular. Because you possess a Girl Mind you have a Gold Mine of knowledge and passion.

Why is Girl Mind Important?

It is imperative that young girls understand the priceless wealth they already have. Girls need to know that their perspective is unique and adds value, that they are future pillars of their community and over all each and every quirk is the best part of them. By nurturing a Girl Mind, we are nurturing the future, as our girls hold the key to an invaluable Gold Mine of brilliance and potential.


The Girl Mind is a campaign to connect STEM to practical inception. Through this media campaign girls will see the endless possibilities and benefits of STEM education. Each participant in the campaign represents all the ways women change their community and bring a unique lens to the world.

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