


Driving Diversity in Sports Statistics
Soccer with Carolina Ascent

DRF StatStars is a groundbreaking program in partnership with the Carolina Ascent – Charlotte’s professional women’s soccer team! Designed to empower young girls, this initiative bridges the gender gap in sports analytics by fostering a passion for data-driven insights. Through mentorship with local athletes, girls will explore the world of sports statistics, gaining a deeper appreciation for the game and developing essential analytical skills. By becoming creators of technology, they’ll unlock career opportunities in sports analytics, journalism, management, and beyond, while learning how data shapes the strategies and stories behind the game.
Driving Diversity in Sports Statistics
Golf with Mint Hill Elementary
The DRF Sports Stats program, supported by the AvidXchange Foundation, is being launched at Mint Hill Elementary School with a focus on golf. Designed to empower young girls, this initiative teaches the importance of sports statistics, bridging the gender gap in sports analytics. Local golfers serve as mentors, helping girls develop a passion for data-driven insights and inspiring future leaders in the field. Through workshops, community events, and mentorship, the program fosters an inclusive environment, encouraging girls to explore careers in sports analytics and shaping a more diverse future in the industry.


with East Mecklenburg High School

This course offers students the opportunity to transform their passion for gaming into hands-on learning experiences. Students will acquire skills in designing games, coding interactive features, and creating unique characters while collaborating with peers. This course aims to ignite creativity and provide practical experience for those interested in game development or exploring the gaming industry. With engaging challenges and real-world applications, it promises to turn students’ gaming aspirations into tangible achievements.


with Elizabeth Traditional

4th & 5th-grade girls will dive into a multifaceted world of creativity and STEM exploration. They paint digital masterpieces with pixels, animate stories through flipbooks, and engineer miniature bridges, learning fundamental principles of design and problem-solving along the way. Guided Finch robot challenges ignite their interest in coding and robotics, while hands-on gardening activities deepen their understanding of plant growth and nutrition. Through this dynamic blend of digital design, engineering, and horticulture, Digital Maker Studio empowers girls to embrace STEM with confidence and enthusiasm.

This course offers students the opportunity to transform their passion for gaming into hands-on learning experiences. Students will acquire skills in designing games, coding interactive features, and creating unique characters while collaborating with peers. This course aims to ignite creativity and provide practical experience for those interested in game development or exploring the gaming industry. With engaging challenges and real-world applications, it promises to turn students’ gaming aspirations into tangible achievements.


The full stack experience is both front and back-end development for a web application. During this year long program our girls will learn and understand how to create the front of a web application (user interface) and back end (data structure) of an application. Our girls will begin their full stack journey with a coding fundamentals course, move to JavaScript & React and complete their work by connecting the dots with Python programming. The girls will learn to apply resources for any programming subject or language, work with company employees to grow their business vernacular and deepen their industry knowledge.


Binary Bling parties offer a fun and easy way for girls to learn the core language of computers while creating their own binary bracelet bling. With multi-modal instructions, all materials provided, and teacher facilitation it is perfect for exploration in various settings.